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Self-help program


The Self-Help Program for Anxiety is coming to an end. In this section, you can thank and praise yourself for completing the programme and achieving your goals. Thank you for reading this far and trying so hard to do all the exercises!

Mental symptoms, such as anxiety, can disruptively interfere with everyday life. After the strongest symptoms have subsided, they can still bring valuable experiences.

Many have noticed this, after processing and responding to their uncomfortable feelings. In the video (2:52), people who have experienced anxiety say that, for example, their self-awareness has increased as a result of the symptoms.

The road ahead

Hopefully, this program has given you some tools and exercises that you will find beneficial, and which help you to cope with your feelings of anxiety and manage them better.

Practice makes perfect

As is always the case when learning new skills, regular practice is important when learning to use the anxiety tools. Using the tools in easy situations first means that they can gradually help you deal with more difficult situations in which your emotions are taking control.

Practicing is like learning to swim

When you are learning to swim, you need to first practice the technique in shallow water and work on your confidence in safe conditions. Once you have mastered the basics, you can move to swimming in more challenging conditions, such as in deep water where you cannot touch the bottom with your feet.

Practicing can feel exhausting, especially in the early stages. It is therefore important that you reward yourself in a suitable way for each achievement, for example when you have practised using a certain tool for one week.

Think of a way to reward yourself. Examples of rewards include listening to your favourite music, reading a book, spending a relaxing evening, calling a friend, or giving yourself some other positive feedback. It’s important to find just the right method for yourself.